Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Ernest Wilson Will See You Now (in court)

A further Freedom of Information request has revealed that the time period for the 49 claims issued through the small claims court by Ernest Wilson was June 2012 to November 2013.

That's 49 claims in 15 - 16 months!

So, using the rule of thumb calculations discussed earlier, if you're a client of Ernest Wilson's then you have a 10-15% chance of being taking to the small claims court by them.

So far we've been unable to find out how many claims Ernest Wilson has made through other courts (generally these would be over the small claims threshold of £10,000) so the percentage is probably slightly higher.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Ernest Wilson and Freedom of Information

An enquiry to the Small Claims Court under the Freedom of Information Act has revealed that Ernest Wilson has made 49 claims!

Yes, 49.

We've been told that Ernest Wilson has its own internal department dealing exclusively with court claims - looks like they're busy.

If you're one of the 49, or worried about becoming number 50, we'd love to hear from you.